Tag: needed

High-nutritional crops needed in Africa as population increases

Jan. 2 (UPI) — According to a new University of Leeds study, farmers across sub-Saharan Africa will have to move away from maize, towards new species of food crops with higher nutritional values if it hopes to feed a rapidly growing population. Sub-Saharan Africa is home to dozens of different countries and has an estimated […]

Maintaining opposition needed for time after Putin

Opposition to current Kremlin policies remains important to prepare for the time after President Vladimir Putin, Russian dissident and human rights activist Oleg Orlov has told dpa in an interview in Moscow. “For as long as he is at the top, I do not believe that one can hope for change of any kind,” Orlov, […]

Estonia ready to help mobilize Ukrainian citizens if needed

Estonian Interior Minister Lauri Laanemets said Estonia is prepared to aid in mobilizing Ukrainian citizens if requested by Ukraine, according to the Estonian paper Postimees. “We know where these people live in Estonia. We are ready to assist in bringing these people from Estonia to Ukraine, if they need it,” said Laanemets, according to the […]

Why reporting from South Sudan is so difficult — and critically needed

In August, fellow reporter Jason Patinkin and I crossed on foot from northern Uganda into rebel-held South Sudan. Over the course of four days, we walked more than 40 miles through the bush, escorted by rebel soldiers, to shed light on one of the world’s most underreported conflicts. Reporting on South Sudan’s war, which began […]