Tag: Nebula

The Webb Telescope’s dazzling nebula image supports a long-held theory

The image of the Serpens Nebula you see above, taken by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), not only looks mesmerizing but also captures a never-before-seen phenomenon. The aligned, elongated “protostellar outflows” visible in the top left support a longstanding theory. As suspected, the jets shoot out in alignment from the swirling disks of surrounding […]

Astrophotographer captures the Running Chicken Nebula in impeccable detail

Image 1 of 2 The Running Chicken Nebula captured by astrophotographer Rod Prazeres Image 2 of 2 running man nebula and white circles annotating each of the observing targets. This stunning view of the Running Chicken Nebula, IC 2944, took astrophotographer Rod Prazeres over 42 hours to capture, his longest project yet. “The Running Chicken […]

A horse-shaped nebula gets its close-up in new photos by NASA’s Webb telescope

DALLAS (AP) — NASA’s Webb Space Telescope has revealed the sharpest images yet of a portion of a horse-shaped nebula, showing the “mane” in finer detail. The Horsehead Nebula, in the constellation Orion, is 1,300 light-years away. A light-year is nearly 6 trillion miles (9.7 trillion kilometers). Discovered over a century ago, its nickname derives […]