Tag: Muslim

Nomadic Muslim devotees throng a forest shrine in disputed Kashmir

BABA NAGRI, India (AP) — The road to the Baba Nagri forest shrine in India-controlled Kashmir was a colorful spectacle. Tens of thousands of men in vibrant attires, henna-dyed beards and bright headgears thronged the Muslim shrine nestled at the base of a mountain to pay their obeisance last week. Worshippers raised their hands and […]

Germany bans local Salafist Muslim group with large internet reach

Authorities in Germany have moved to ban a Muslim association based in the central city of Braunschweig, accusing the group of spreading extremist views. Police also launched several raids aimed at the Braunschweig-based German-Speaking Muslim Association (DMG) on Wednesday morning, which sources told dpa also included searches of two apartments in Berlin. The Interior Ministry […]

Muslim schools caught up in France’s fight against Islamism

By Juliette Jabkhiro PARIS (Reuters) – Last year, Sihame Denguir enrolled her teenage son and daughter in France’s largest Muslim private school, in the northern city of Lille some 200 kilometres (125 miles) from their middle-class suburban Parisian home. The move meant financial sacrifices. Denguir, 41, now pays fees at the partially state-subsidised Averroes school […]