Tag: Mormon

Mormon cricket ‘sludge’ blamed for crashes in northern Nevada

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) — The guts of runover Mormon crickets and rain are a treacherous combination. Over the weekend, officials said the slick “sludge” caused several crashes in northern Nevada. Eureka County Sheriff Jesse Watts said that anytime the summertime insect hordes are on the wet roads, it creates a hazard for drivers. “You […]

Mormon cricket ‘sludge’ causes crashes in Nevada

Authorities in Nevada are warning drivers to be cautious after Mormon cricket “sludge” caused several crashes over the weekend. The icky combination of mashed Mormon crickets run over by cars and recent rain created a slippery muck over roads and led to two crashes involving three semi-trucks on Interstate 80, the Eureka County Sheriff’s Office. No […]

Nearly 50 people suffer carbon monoxide poisoning at Mormon church in Utah

Nearly 50 people who attended a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints meetinghouse in Utah were treated for carbon monoxide poisoning, church officials said Monday. Fifty-four people who attended the meetinghouse in Monroe, roughly 174 miles south of Salt Lake City, reported symptoms, and 49 were treated for elevated levels of the poisonous gas, […]