Tag: Moon

Jupiter’s mysterious moon Amalthea spied crossing the Great Red Spot (photo)

NASA’s Juno spacecraft has spotted the elusive fifth moon of Jupiter transiting the giant planet’s Great Red Spot, giving astronomers a rare view of this small but intriguing natural satellite. Jupiter‘s most famous moons are its four Galilean satellites: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, each of which is several thousand kilometers wide. Jupiter’s fifth moon […]

Mysterious Moon Photobombs Jupiter’s Great Red Spot in Latest Juno Image

Oh, there it is. Jupiter’s unassuming moon Amalthea was spotted in two recent images captured by NASA’s Juno probe. During its 59th close flyby of Jupiter on March 7, the Juno spacecraft captured its usual stunning views of the giant planet’s swirling winds and colorful belts. The new photos offered an unexpected treat: a rare […]

‘Major lunar standstill’ may reveal if Stonehenge is aligned with the moon

Stonehenge has aligned with the sun on the solstices for thousands of years, but is it possible that it also aligns with the moon? A once-in-a-generation event, known as a “major lunar standstill” is now underway, and scientists are ready to investigate whether ancient people built the monument to align with our natural satellite. A major lunar […]

Chinese Moon Lander Appears to Be Carrying Secret Lunar Rover

Mini Surprise China is set to become the first country to ever return samples from the far side of the Moon. Apart from collecting rocks and dust, the mission — dubbed Chang’e-6 — is carrying an even more interesting piece of equipment: a previously undisclosed lunar rover, SpaceNews reports. Eagle-eyed space reporter Andrew Jones spotted what […]