Tag: mistakes

A Successful Retirement May Hinge on Avoiding These Careless Mistakes

A married couple looks over their financial plan for retirement. Deciding to retire can feel a bit unnerving. Retirees have plenty to potentially worry about – some of which they have no control over – like how the market will perform and how fast prices at the supermarket will increase. But regardless of the economic […]

Experts Say These 6 Things Are Big Tax Filing Mistakes

Tax season has rolled around once again, and so has the inevitable dread that comes with it. It’s understandable that a lot of us worry we’ll make one small, accidental mistake and then get in “big trouble” with the IRS afterward. When it comes to something as complicated and serious as taxes, it’s sometimes hard […]

5 Costly Retirement Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs

retirement mistakes to avoid To do retirement right you need a disciplined savings plan, a good understanding of Social Security, a sound investment strategy and a vision of retirement that provides for adequate self-fulfillment without overspending your fixed-income budget. Behind those simple principles lies a complex set of ways it can all go wrong, ranging […]

‘All Of The Mistakes She Has Made Come With Her’ — Dave Ramsey Gets Real When Advising Man On Whether To Pay Off Fiance’s Debt

Getting married results in a union that stretches beyond a romantic partnership. It typically means the commingling of finances, and when that happens there’s always room for gray areas — and that’s exactly what Dave Ramsey heard about when chatting with Chaz, a soon-to-be-married man from Orlando, Florida. Chaz, a 24-year-old with zero debt and […]

17 Suuuuper Unfortunate Mistakes Employees Made At Work This Month

1.Whoever assembled this $11 brisket sandwich: u/Komac02 / Via reddit.com 2.The person who built this in the middle of the sidewalk: u/cursedartz / Via reddit.com 3.The employee who put a SCREW in this pizza: u/killersloth123 / Via reddit.com What??? u/killersloth123 / Via reddit.com 4.And this person who delivered this $40 order of pizza and breadsticks: […]