Tag: misleadingly

Post misleadingly uses training video as evidence of hajj ritual in Nigeria

Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. To ensure perfect worship during hajj, government bodies around the world organise pre-departure classes for those attending. A post alleged a video of people circling a structure resembling the holy Kaaba stone  —  the most sacred site in Islam  —  was proof that followers […]

Posts misleadingly claimed Nigeria’s Lagos state increased monthly minimum wage

Labour unions in Nigeria are pressuring authorities to raise minimum wages as inflation and economic turmoil put pressure on the cost of living. Recent social media posts claimed that the country’s commercial capital Lagos state upped its minimum wage for government workers. But the claim is misleading; the state only instituted a temporary extra “wage” […]

Facebook post misleadingly shares old images of Ugandan troops in South Sudan

Amid uncertainties surrounding South Sudan’s first-ever general elections slated for December 2024 and a surge in intercommunal conflict that has left hundreds of civilians dead, posts claiming to show Ugandan troops arriving in the capital of Juba have been shared dozens of times on Facebook. The claim is misleading; the images are old and show […]

AirPods misleadingly targeted as source of harmful radiation

Apple has sold tens of millions of its AirPods since 2016, but social media posts claim the wireless earbuds emit harmful electromagnetic radiation. This is misleading; no evidence shows ill effects from the devices and emissions are below standards set by US regulators and international guidelines. “Are you still wearing AirPods? These devices work by […]