Tag: misleading

Republican infighting trickles down into misleading mailers. Do voters notice?

“Liberal Republicans.” “TOO extreme.” “ESTABLISHMENT PUPPETS.” Leading up to the June 11 South Carolina primaries, potential voters may have been reading phrases like those plastered across campaign mailers, fliers, social media and TV ads. The ads are primarily targeted at Republicans, but represent a larger battle trickling out of the state house and now into […]

Posts linking Disney, former Nazi to NASA founding are misleading

Social media posts claim Walt Disney and four others, including occult practitioners and a former Nazi party member, are the “founders” of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). This is misleading; while two of the people on the list were scientists involved in rocket development — one of whom played a prominent role in […]

Biden makes false and misleading claims during Pennsylvania campaign swing

President Joe Biden spent three days this week campaigning in the critical swing state of Pennsylvania. He littered his remarks with false and misleading claims on subjects ranging from his annual earnings to his cap on seniors’ prescription drug spending to the demographics of China to the frequency of his past travel to Iraq and […]

German Foreign Office says report of spat with Netanyahu ‘misleading’

Germany’s Foreign Office is disputing as “misleading” an Israeli media report about a heated argument between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock over the situation in the Gaza Strip. “Key points in this account of the hour long meeting between Foreign Minister Baerbock and Prime Minister Netanyahu are wrong and […]

Misleading hiring claim sparks Tyson Foods boycott posts

Online posts claim Tyson Foods plans to hire 52,000 migrants after laying off 1,200 American workers at an Iowa factory. This is misleading; the food processing firm expects to make thousands of hires to replace departing workers, with authorized refugees being among new staff in an industry that has high turnover. “Tyson laying off 1,200 […]