Tag: Milky

Astronomers discover a mysterious object in the Milky Way

A new and unknown object in the Milky Way that is heavier than the heaviest neutron stars known to scientists, and yet lighter than the lightest known black holes, has been discovered by astronomers. Researchers from a number of institutions including The University of Manchester and the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Germany […]

How do we know what the Milky Way looks like?

Although our telescopes have captured some truly stunning images of the Milky Way, astronomers have only a vague understanding of our home galaxy. It took a lot of work even to get that sketch, and it’s amazing what we’ve been able to learn from our limited vantage point. Here on Earth’s surface, the Milky Way […]

Astronomers discover strangely missing stars in galaxies near Milky Way

A newfound population of stars in nearby dwarf galaxies represents the long-sought progenitors of a specific type of stellar death, or supernova, according to new research. Theories have shown that, for every three massive stars, one is stripped of its outer hydrogen layers across hundreds, or even thousands, of years such that its scorching hot […]