Tag: Miholl

The Miholl short sleeve top is on sale at Amazon

June is now in full swing, and we’re practically salivating at the thought of the sun on our faces. But if this weather is making you feel a bit shy about showing off some skin, we’ve found a shirt that can do some strategic camouflaging: the Miholl V-Neck Top. Snag it — or a few! […]

The Miholl short sleeve top is on sale at Amazon

June will be here in just a couple of days, and we’re practically salivating at the thought of the sun on our faces. While it’s not quite officially summer, we’re dropping our early-spring layers as the temperatures creep higher. But if this weather is making you feel a bit shy about showing off some skin, […]

The Miholl short sleeve top is on sale at Amazon

It’s gonna be May in just a couple of days — we’re practically jumping out of our chairs to get outside and feel the sun on our faces. Since it’s not quite summer yet, we’re slowly losing some of our early spring layers as the temperatures creep upward. But if this weather is making you […]

The Miholl short sleeve top is on sale at Amazon

Winter fashion does so much more than keep us warm — it’s perfect for subtly hiding the things we don’t want to show off (you know what I’m talking about — bat wings, muffin tops …). But the sun is out! Time to lose those layers and enjoy the vitamin D … and we’ve found […]