Tag: Metric

Warren Buffett Calls This Metric “Worse Than Useless,” but Everyone Uses It. Here’s How to Make Yourself a Smarter Investor.

Investors look forward to Warren Buffett’s annual shareholder letter, and in the 2023 version, released on Feb. 24, he didn’t disappoint. It was chock-full of Buffett’s typical down-to-earth, blunt, and solid investing advice mixed with his wit and humor. He paid tribute to his decades-long investing partner, Charlie Munger, who passed away last year, and […]

Fed’s Preferred Inflation Metric Increases by Most in a Year

(Bloomberg) — The Federal Reserve’s preferred gauge of underlying inflation rose in January at the fastest pace in nearly a year, helping explain policymakers’ patient approach to start cutting interest rates. Most Read from Bloomberg The so-called core personal consumption expenditures price index, which strips out the volatile food and energy components, increased 0.4% from […]

China’s CPU rival to Intel and AMD is rapidly catching up on a key metric — but don’t expect it to be competitive with Ryzens and Cores anytime soon

You might not be too familiar with Loongson, but it has been developing computer processors since 2000, and in China the company is widely viewed as the grandfather of domestic CPUs. The launch of Loongson 1 in 2002 was China’s first independently developed general-purpose CPU, using the MIPS III instruction set. in 2020 Loongson transitioned […]

Are Stocks About to Plunge? A Top Valuation Metric With an Immaculate Track Record Dating Back to 1871 Weighs In.

When examined over lengthy periods, the stock market trounces all other asset classes. Over the past century, the average annual return for Wall Street’s major stock indexes — the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJINDICES: ^DJI), S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC), and Nasdaq Composite (NASDAQINDEX: ^IXIC) — has handily outpaced the annualized returns of oil, gold, certificates […]

Gundlach Looks to PCE as Inflation Metric After CPI ‘Bites’ Fed

(Bloomberg) — Personal Consumption Expenditures are much more important than the Consumer Price Index at this time after today’s CPI came “back to bite” the Federal Reserve, DoubleLine Capital’s Jeffrey Gundlach told CNBC in an interview. Most Read from Bloomberg PCE, which comes out Feb. 29, “cannot go up and have the Fed talking about […]