Tag: Messed

The world isn’t as messed up as you might think

We live in perilous times, right? Wars threaten, chaos abounds, doom lurks… Actually, no. We live in more or less normal times, even if the daily news makes it seem like apocalypse is always around the corner. In fact, there’s a remarkable amount of stability that keeps economies chugging along and living standards intact. Citi […]

19 Unfortunate Employee Mistakes That Range From “No One Will Notice” To “Yeah…You Messed Up”

1.The Taco Bell employee who assembled this almost empty taco: u/Tacomeat- / Via reddit.com u/Tacomeat- / Via reddit.com 2.The employee who stocked the instant/soft drinks shelves with CLEANING PRODUCTS: u/thepaperskyscraper / Via reddit.com 3.Whoever labeled these bananas: u/Sprucehouse / Via reddit.com 4.These employees who were NOT supposed to block the door: u/Rare-Report9519 / Via reddit.com […]