Tag: MEP

Holocaust legacy ‘blinds’ some countries to Palestinian suffering, MEP says

The legacy of the Holocaust “blinds” some countries to the suffering of Palestinians, a Green MEP has said. Ciarán Cuffe, who is seeking re-election, made the comments during a debate with other candidates in the Dublin constituency. The politicians were engaging with representatives from youth charities on the European Parliament’s role in online safety and […]

German far-right MEP to return to campaign trail amid spying probe

German legislator Maximilian Krah, the top candidate for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in June’s European elections, says he is set to return to the campaign trail despite being embroiled in a foreign influence scandal. German police arrested his former assistant Jian Guo on suspicion of espionage on April 22, and Krah fired […]

German MEP aide suspected of spying for China remanded in custody

An aide to a far-right German member of the European Parliament Maximilian Krah has been remanded in custody on suspicion of spying for China, the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office in Karlsruhe announced on Wednesday. An investigating judge issued an arrest warrant against Krah’s aide, according to a spokeswoman for the office. The aide is charged […]