Tag: melting

Rattlesnakes flee hail storm, return to sip melting ice

Trail cameras monitoring a rattlesnake rookery in Colorado have captured footage showing several snakes slithering for cover in a hail storm, then emerging to drink from melting ice pellets. Project RattleCam shared the accompanying footage Tuesday, explaining: “There was a brief hail storm at the rookery yesterday. The snakes fled, then drank the melting ice.” […]

Satellite data reveals Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier is melting faster than we thought

Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier is melting fast; this much, scientists already know. However,  according to a new study, it’s melting faster than we thought — and that spells trouble for sea-level-rise projections. Using observations from the ICEYE Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite constellation, a joint project between the U.S. and Finland, researchers have taken a detailed look […]

The Doomsday Glacier in Antarctica is melting faster than scientists thought

More unsettling news from the bottom of the world. Scientists have uncovered evidence of “vigorous melting” at Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier, according to a new study published Monday. And for the first time, there is visible evidence that shows warm seawater pumping underneath the glacier. The Thwaites Glacier, part of the vast West Antarctic Ice Sheet, […]