Tag: MegaMerger

Analysis-A mountain of asset sales loom after oil megamerger era

By Shariq Khan, Sabrina Valle and Arathy Somasekhar (Reuters) – U.S. oil and gas companies could face an uphill struggle to sell about $27 billion of assets to fund investor payouts over the next few years as the biggest wave of energy megamergers in 25 years nears the end of regulatory reviews. The share buybacks […]

Another Mega-Merger Is Brewing in the U.S. Shale Patch

The merger and acquisition deals are coming in the shale patch, at a rate almost too fast to document. Last week news broke about Devon Energy, (NYSE:DVN), and Canadian-based producer, Enerplus, (NYSE:ERF) opening merger talks. Enerplus has some choice acreage in the Bakken play that would be very attractive to Devon as it fills in […]