Tag: megaconstellations

Satellite megaconstellations threaten ozone layer recovery, study confirms

Concentrations of ozone-damaging aluminum oxides in Earth’s atmosphere could increase by 650% in the coming decades due to a rise in the number of defunct satellites burning up during reentry, a first-of-a-kind study has found. And, as satellite megaconstellations continue to pique the interests of private companies, this could be pretty bad news for our […]

How bad are satellite megaconstellations for astronomy?

Over the past few years, our planet has become increasingly encircled by Starlink, OneWeb and other “megaconstellation” satellites. Yes, the emergence of those megaconstellations offers great benefits for humanity. But in a wait-a-minute pause, there are also substantial costs, including a growing imposition on astronomy. That’s the view of David Koplow, the Scott K. Ginsburg […]