Tag: media

A Florida Bill Could Upend Media Defamation Law

Gross said she was also alarmed by a section of the bill that would require defendants who lose in court to pay “reasonable costs and attorney fees” for plaintiffs, in addition to any other penalties, which would seemingly encourage more people to sue the media. A key related section would undermine laws aimed at preventing […]

Israel advocacy groups outspend pro-Palestinian groups on social media

The digital full court press — including one group that spent nearly half a million dollars on Meta’s platforms during that period — comes as U.S. and international lawmakers weigh adding conditions to additional support for Israel as its military campaign has killed at least 15,000 Palestinians, according to health authorities in Hamas-run Gaza. Israel […]

Ivy league presidents shock social media with testimony at antisemitism hearing

The presidents of Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and The University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) shocked and angered social media users with testimony given during a congressional hearing on antisemitism. The school leaders arrived at Capitol Hill on Tuesday to answer questions about rising antisemitism on their campuses before the House Education and […]