Tag: McConnells

Nancy Pelosi Calls Mitch McConnell’s Trump Endorsement ‘Very, Very Sad’

The past four decades have seen House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s parallel rise in their respective parties’ leadership on each side of the Capitol. So when Pelosi was asked during a Friday interview with MSNBC to comment on McConnell’s recent endorsement of former President Donald Trump, she reflected on […]

Inside Mitch McConnell’s Season of Losses

When Mitch McConnell stepped out of his Senate office in the Capitol at 12:30 on Wednesday to announce that he would conclude his tenure as the longest-serving Senate leader in American history at the end of this Congress, I asked him why now. McConnell grinned, said, “I’m going to cover that,” and then walked into […]

Some Republicans are celebrating the ‘good news’ of Mitch McConnell’s retirement: ‘Better days are ahead’

Mitch McConnell just announced he’s stepping down, and some Republicans are already cheering. That’s despite the longtime GOP leader’s record of securing wins for conservatives. “Better days are ahead for the Republican Party,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida. Mitch McConnell may be a longtime Democratic boogeyman, but it’s mostly fellow Republicans trashing the Senate […]

6 key moments from Mitch McConnell’s record run in the Senate

Mitch McConnell, the highest ranking Senate Republican and the longest serving Senate leader in U.S. history, announced Wednesday that he would step down from his position at the end of November. “One of life’s most underappreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter. So I stand before you […]

The Back Channel Talks to Secure McConnell’s Endorsement of Trump

Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell haven’t said a word to each other since December 2020. But people close to both men are working behind the scenes to make bygones of the enmity between them and to pave the way for a critical endorsement of the former president by the one Republican congressional leader who has […]

Mitch McConnell’s Influence Wanes In Trump’s GOP

WASHINGTON — Mitch McConnell is widely known to be a cunning, Machiavellian tactician who maximizes his party’s power in the Senate to accomplish hugely consequential conservative victories, including a right-wing Supreme Court majority that may last for decades. But the recent drama in Congress’ upper chamber exposed what has been evident behind the scenes for […]