Tag: mattered

Maddow Blog | The Fauci hearing mattered, but not for the reason the GOP hoped

When Dr. Anthony Fauci stepped down two years following an extraordinary career in public service, Barack Obama issued a memorable statement. “I will always be grateful that we had a once-in-a-century public health leader to guide us through a once-in-a-century pandemic,” the former Democratic president wrote. “Few people have touched more lives than Dr. Fauci […]

11 stocks that mattered most this earnings season

The S&P 500 (^GSPC) is wrapping up its two busiest weeks of earnings reports this quarter, with more than half of the index reporting results. Companies have largely surprised to the upside, with the index pacing at earnings growth of 5.5% this quarter, per Evercore ISI. Stock reactions have been mixed, though, as the prospect […]

Eric Holcomb’s COVID leadership shined when it mattered most

The Republicans trashing Gov. Eric Holcomb‘s pandemic response are counting on everyone to forget what happened in 2020. GOP candidates for Indiana governor are depicting Holcomb’s record as government overreach while Attorney General Todd Roktia is accusing the Holcomb administration of using erroneous COVID-19 data as a basis for violating citizens’ liberty. If you’re nursing […]

New Hampshire may have mattered for Biden after all

New Hampshire’s Democratic presidential primary may end up counting, after all. Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison suggested on Saturday that he’s open to finding a way to seat New Hampshire’s delegates at this summer’s nominating convention, after President Joe Biden won the state’s unsanctioned primary last month. Doing so would be a remarkable — […]

Why the COP28 climate summit mattered, and what to watch for in 2024

Reading down the lengthy final agreement of the COP28 United Nations climate conference held in December 2023, you’ll go a long way before finding a strong, active verb. The lengthy recitation of climate impacts “notes with concern” and occasionally with “significant concern” glaring gaps in countries’ current policies. But while countries volunteered pledges to act, […]