Tag: marks

Yak-52 Kill Marks Hint At Success In Ukraine’s Drone War

A propeller-driven Yak-52 primary training aircraft has appeared with an impressive collection of kill marks displayed on its fuselage; seemingly confirmation of its success in having been pressed into service as a drone-killer. While we reported on a series of previous videos showing the use of Soviet-era Yak-52s to shoot down Russian drones, the latest […]

90 Plus: Annie Rose Marks

(KLFY)– Annie Rose Marks is a resilient mother of five from Carencro has recently reached the remarkable age of 102. While her English skills may have faded, her command of Creole French remains strong. “Yeah, I’m old time. No school.  Nothing,” Marks said. Marks embodies the true spirit of family. Having lived a full century, […]

Satellite images show apparent mock-ups of US fifth-gen fighter jets and a runway with blast marks and craters in a Chinese desert

China built mock-ups of US aircraft out in the Taklamakan Desert, satellite images show. Apparent blast marks and craters suggest China may be using the area for target practice. China has previously built mock-ups of US warships and carriers, likely for similar purposes. Satellite images show what appear to be mock-ups of fifth-generation US aircraft, […]

Summer solstice 2024 marks the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere

Summer officially begins in the Northern Hemisphere today (June 20), marking the longest day of the year. During the summer solstice, also known as the June solstice, the sun reaches its highest and northernmost point in the sky. It marks the beginning of the summer season in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern […]

May marks 7th month of housing inventory growth across the nation

May marked the seventh consecutive month of housing inventory growth across the nation, signaling that the number of homes for sale may slowly be returning to normal. “The biggest eye-catcher for me is the fact that inventory is rising sharply, said Realtor.com’s Senior Economist Ralph McLaughlin. “There are 35.2% more homes on the market than […]

Gila marks centennial as country’s first official wilderness area

Jun. 2—SILVER CITY — While hiking a ridgeline trail, one’s vision of the Gila Wilderness can be funneled like the wind between towering green hills and craggy mesas. It’s a phenomenon that offers a telescopic glimpse of the grandeur ahead. Then you round a bend and suddenly encounter a sweeping view of peaks, forested hills, […]

DNC Marks the 100th Anniversary of the Indian Citizenship Act with a Multi-State Awareness Campaign and Voting Guides in 7 Native Languages

To mark the 100th anniversary of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced a new print and digital awareness campaign to commemorate the centennial. The ads will launch today and run through the end of the month, and will reach Native communities in Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, and Wisconsin […]