Tag: MarcosDuterte

Is the unstoppable Marcos-Duterte alliance headed for divorce?

With his signature bombast, former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte told a crowd of cheering supporters in January that his successor was a drug addict. The man who replaced him, Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr, shot back, saying the former leader must have hurled the insult in an opioid-fuelled haze. That was the strongest sign yet of […]

Analysis-‘Open warfare’: Philippines’ Marcos-Duterte alliance crumbles

By Karen Lema MANILA (Reuters) – The alliance between Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr and his predecessor Rodrigo Duterte disintegrated this week when they accused each other of using drugs – a rift that could threaten Marcos‘s reform agenda and risk fuelling instability. The alliance between two of the Philippines’ most influential families that swept […]