Tag: mandates

Maddow Blog | Oklahoma official mandates Bibles in public school classrooms

It was just last week when Republican officials in Louisiana approved a policy mandating Ten Commandments displays in every public classroom in the state. The U.S. Supreme Court had already struck down a nearly identical policy in 1980, but GOP policymakers in the state decided to give government-sponsored religious promotion another try anyway. A week […]

Trump Makes Bizarre Threat About Schools And Vaccine Mandates

Donald Trump vowed at a rally Tuesday that if reelected, he’ll cut funding to every school with a vaccine mandate ― even though all 50 states have such laws on the books. “I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate,” he declared at his rally […]

Some of the most talented, high-ranking workers at Apple, Microsoft, and SpaceX jumped ship after return-to-office mandates, new study reveals

The focus of return-to-office discussions have long focused on the individuals. Why might workers prefer to stay home? Which age groups are most amenable to in-person work, and which are most combative? Does office collaboration make the most sense for creative types or heads-down numbers people? Can workers really be productive left to their own […]

Companies want employees back in the office. Over half of hybrid workers are using ‘coffee badging’ to get around the mandates. What is it? And should you try it?

Companies want employees back in the office. Over half of hybrid workers are using ‘coffee badging’ to get around the mandates. What is it? And should you try it? With some companies requiring employees to return to the office, workers are finding ways to avoid it. The latest tactic is “coffee badging.” It’s when an […]

Mask mandates return at some US hospitals as COVID, flu jump

By Brad Brooks (Reuters) – Hospitals in at least four U.S. states have reinstated mask mandates amid a rise in cases of COVID, seasonal flu and other respiratory illness. Healthcare facilities in New York, California, Illinois and Massachusetts have made masks mandatory among patients and providers. New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan told […]

Anthony Fauci to testify before Congress about pandemic mandates, COVID-19 origins

WASHINGTON — Dr. Anthony Fauci, former chief White House medical advisor, will testify before Congress early next year on the origins of COVID-19 and other preventative steps officials took in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Fauci’s testimony comes as the House’s Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus continues to investigate the pandemic. Rep. Brad Wenstrup, […]