Tag: managed

Archaeology shows how ancient African societies managed pandemics

Every so often, a pandemic emerges that dramatically alters human society. The Black Death (1347 – 1351) was one; the Spanish flu of 1918 was another. Now there’s COVID-19. Archaeologists have long studied diseases in past populations. To do so, they consider a wide array of evidence: settlement layout, burials, funerary remains, and human skeletons. […]

Fly population can severely impact calf and heifer weights if not managed property

The increase in temperatures brings with it an increase in flies. Flies, if left unmanaged, can present a significant challenge to the welfare and production of all our livestock species. Fly control is not a one-and-done treatment strategy. They require season long management, that may require a variety of approaches to seasonally address. The three main types of […]

S&P 500: Investors Give Up On Actively Managed Funds

Mark Hebner still fumes when he thinks about the extra $30 million he should have today. And he squarely blames one phenomenon for his loss: active investing and lousy mutual funds that lagged the S&P 500. X Hebner, decades ago while in his 30s, sold a medical firm “and had a very large windfall for […]