Tag: Maces

Maddow Blog | Why Nancy Mace’s comments about abortion being legal matter

It was exactly two years ago today when Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices overturned Roe v. Wade, launching a brutally regressive campaign that imposed restrictions on Americans’ reproductive rights in many states nationwide. But to hear GOP Rep. Nancy Mace tell it, those opposed to the high court’s ruling and its consequences can take some comfort […]

Nancy Mace’s ex-aides spill the beans after entire staff bails in just 3 months

The entirety of Rep. Nancy Mace’s, R-S.C., Washington, D.C. staff has reportedly turned over since November 1, 2023, three sources close to the situation told The Daily Beast. Former employees alleged a “toxic” workplace, with one former senior employee noting to the Daily Beast that Mace was “abusive” in her methods of using workplace software to […]

Rep. Nancy Mace’s former chief of staff files to run against her

Rep. Nancy Mace‘s former top aide, Daniel Hanlon, filed paperwork on Friday to run against his old boss in South Carolina’s June congressional primary. According to the Federal Election Commission, Hanlon has filed to run for Congress in South Carolina’s first district, which Mace has represented since 2021. Hanlon served as her chief of staff […]