Tag: Lown

Bernard Lown honored at Friday ceremony unveiling new portrait

Jun. 7—LEWISTON — Weeks after the U.S. Mint featured Lewiston native Bernard Lown on a new dollar coin, friends and family of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate gathered Friday to honor him during the unveiling of a new portrait. “What an extraordinary man,” artist Robert Shetterly of Brooksville said. Lewiston Mayor Carl Sheline called Lown […]

Dollar coin honoring Lewiston’s Dr. Bernard Lown to be issued Thursday

May 15—The U.S. Mint plans to release a new dollar coin at noon Thursday honoring Lewiston High School graduate Dr. Bernard Lown, the inventor of the defibrillator and a Nobel Peace Prize honoree for his work with Physicians for Social Responsibility. The coin, which bears Lown’s image along with a defibrillator, is part of the […]