Tag: Liz

Trump amplifies posts calling for televised military tribunal for Liz Cheney

Former President Donald Trump amplified posts on social media calling for a televised military tribunal for former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney and the jailing of top elected officials, including President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. “ELIZABETH LYNNE CHENEY IS GUILTY OF TREASON,” one post created by another user that Trump amplified on his […]

Trump amplifies radical retaliatory message targeting Liz Cheney

The question of whether Donald Trump would try to prosecute his perceived political enemies in a second term has already been answered. As we’ve discussed, the former president has not only publicly acknowledged his intentions in multiple interviews, he’s also trailed by a record of already having made such attempts. What this realization leads to […]

Emmanuel Macron has done more damage than Liz Truss ever did

The director of the Bruegel think tank in Brussels once asked what would happen if a eurozone state ever attempted a variant of Trussonomics, without the protection of its own sovereign central bank and policy instruments. We may find out as soon as the first round of voting in the French elections this Sunday. Jeromin […]

Beauty entrepreneur Liz Earle on turning 60: Ageing is a gift

Wellness guru Liz Earle is a terrific advert for the healthy lifestyle ethos she advocates to women far and wide. She looks at least 15 years younger than her age and remains toned and fit, with radiant skin and silky blonde hair. At 60, the mother-of-five is energised, clear-headed, with an aura of calm around […]

I don’t want to be British prime minister again, Liz Truss insists

Liz Truss has insisted she does not want to “reinstate” herself as British prime minister, a week after saying she had “unfinished business” with the Conservative Party. The UK’s shortest-serving prime minister had previously declined to rule out standing to be Tory leader, saying it was “never wise to rule anything out in politics”. But […]

What does Liz Truss’s book tell us about her American ambitions?

In her new book, the former British prime minister Liz Truss directs scathing attacks and mockery at Joe Biden, president of her country’s closest ally. Biden was guilty of “utter hypocrisy and ignorance”, Truss writes, when the US leader said he “disagree[d] with the policy” of “cutting taxes on the super wealthy” in the mini-budget […]

Ex-Ford foundation member calls Liz Cheney ‘only person on this planet’ worthy of top award after snub he says was over Trump

Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer David Hume Kennerly on Thursday defended former Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., after he resigned from the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation over its refusal to consider her for its Medal for Distinguished Public Service — a snub he claims was driven by the possibility of former President Donald Trump winning this year’s […]