Tag: Liquid

Possible Evidence Of Liquid Found On Mars

On June 22, 2000, NASA announced possible evidence of present-day liquid water on Mars. Scientists analyzed data from NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft and found what appeared to be gullies formed by flowing water. They also found debris and mud deposits these flows may have left behind. Spacecraft on and around the planet had already […]

Is there liquid water on Mars today? Marsquake data could tell us

Mars was likely, very long ago, blue from oceans of water that covered its surface. But the now-red world may still hold liquid water underground, stowed deep and out of sight. If there is water down there, how would we find it? A few scientists believe that they have an answer: marsquakes. When the seismic […]

Oldest wine ever discovered in liquid form found in untouched Roman tomb

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. A 2,000-year-old Roman funerary urn unearthed in southern Spain has been shown to contain the oldest wine ever found still in liquid form. Discovered during home renovations at a property in Carmona in 2019, the contents […]