Tag: LinkedIn

Microsoft says most company execs won’t hire anyone without an AI aptitude, prompting “a 142x increase in LinkedIn members adding AI skills like Copilot and ChatGPT to their profiles”

What you need to know Microsoft just released its fourth annual Work Trend Index report. It majorly focuses on the state of AI at work. Contrary to popular belief, AI is creating more job opportunities than losses, with company leads expressing concern over insufficient talent to fill open vacancies. Microsoft just released its 4th annual […]

Workers are eyeing the exit in 2024 as LinkedIn and Microsoft study warns more people want to quit their jobs now than during the Great Resignation

The cost of living has spiraled, the threat of layoffs (thanks to AI and overhiring) looms, and flexible working arrangements won before bosses started issuing return-to-office mandates are now like gold dust. That’s why, after three years of workers quitting their jobs at a record pace—about 47 million Americans left their jobs in 2021 alone—experts have […]

Woman laid off from LinkedIn lands job at Google after sending this video

[Source] A woman laid off from LinkedIn secured a higher-paying job at Google by sending an unconventional and innovative video application. Eyes on the prize: Mariana Kobayashi set her sights on Google after being laid off from her position at LinkedIn in June 2023. Realizing the challenge ahead given the tech giant’s selective hiring process, […]