Tag: Lessons

Parents are pulling children from swimming and piano lessons in China

Semafor Signals Supported by Insights from Financial Journalist Li Chochai, Vizion Zine The News Chinese parents are pulling their children from once-integral extracurricular activities like piano classes and swimming lessons as wages remain stagnant and economic woes shake the middle class. At least 30% of piano schools had closed by the end of 2022, and […]

Masks work, telehealth is here to stay — and other health lessons we’ve learned since the pandemic started 4 years ago

This month marks the four-year anniversary of the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. During the months on lockdown, millions of Americans were grappling with uncertainty, with worries ranging from becoming ill and being separated from loved ones to facing unemployment — while simultaneously helping kids with virtual learning, sanitizing the groceries and […]

Centreville students get lessons in agriculture

CENTREVILLE – A portable science laboratory recently returned to Centreville Elementary, where its students took part in a variety of hands-on lessons. Over the course of four days starting Feb. 19, Michigan Farm Bureau’s Food, Agriculture & Resource in Motion trailer hosted the school’s K-6 students, one classroom at a time. In addition, its 16 […]

10 years of war – 10 lessons and conclusions for justice

February 20, 2014 is the day that went down in history as the date of Russia’s occupation of Ukrainian Crimea. This was followed by the occupation of part of the territories in Eastern Ukraine, an attempt to create the so-called “Novorossiya”, numerous provocations, and, finally, a full-scale aggression on February 24, 2022. All of this […]

Ukraine’s Defence Minister outlines lessons learnt in Battle for Avdiivka

Ukraine’s Defence Minister Rustem Umerov has outlined the lessons that Ukraine has learnt after the withdrawal of forces from the war-torn town of Avdiivka. He stressed that Ukraine’s Armed Forces need air defence systems and artillery ammunition. Source: Umierov on Facebook Quote from Umierov: “We have learnt our lessons from Avdiivka: We need modern air […]

Big Tech’s earnings season has taught us 2 big lessons — so far

Big Tech’s earnings season is in full swing, and though AI chip giant Nvidia (NVDA) won’t report its results until Feb. 21, there are plenty of insights to glean already. Chief among them is that AI continues to push a huge portion of the conversation for corporate earnings and that fundamental business practices are still […]

Big Tech’s earnings season has taught us two big lessons — so far

Big Tech’s earnings season is in full swing, and though AI chip giant Nvidia (NVDA) won’t report its results until Feb. 21, there are plenty of insights to glean already. Chief among them is that AI continues to push a huge portion of the conversation for corporate earnings and that fundamental business practices are still […]

Teacher’s financial lessons go viral on TikTok

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — After third grade math teacher Shelby Lattimore delivered the day’s  announcements, the “class banker” distributed everyone’s wallets — clasped envelopes decorated with animals, stars, hearts and cars scribbled in marker and filled with the faux money they’d earned this year. Lattimore asked the class if they knew what inflating a balloon meant. […]