Tag: Lessons

6 Money Lessons I Wish My Parents Would Have Taught Me

FG Trade / iStock.com There’s no doubt that being born with a silver spoon in your mouth gives you a leg up in the world — but it can also have its downsides, financially speaking. Growing up rich has many perks, but it can also hinder a person from learning essential money lessons. Find Out: […]

French bond vigilantes have lessons for the US

By Paritosh Bansal (Reuters) – Bond vigilantes’ violent reaction to spendthrift French politicians is an important reminder for the United States: the market will likely determine the tipping point for debt sustainability, and it will be hard to predict it. Over the past few months, financial executives and investors have increasingly been in my ear […]

The big lessons from this year’s House GOP primaries: From the Politics Desk

Welcome to the online version of From the Politics Desk, an evening newsletter that brings you the NBC News Politics team’s latest reporting and analysis from the campaign trail, the White House and Capitol Hill. In today’s edition, national political reporter Bridget Bowman breaks down how Trump’s influence has charted the course of this year’s […]

Here Are 4 Money Lessons I’m Teaching My Own Children

skynesher / Getty Images There’s never a wrong time to learn about personal finance. However, getting an early education in managing money can only make life easier and prime young people for future success. Read More: Mark Cuban Reveals Why He Keeps a Strict Budget Everyday Try This: 4 Genius Things All Wealthy People Do […]

Cameron Brown: Lessons from the 4th

The great takeaway of our upcoming July 4th holiday is embedded in the Declaration of Independence — America’s Birth Certificate — which affirms a profound truth. And that truth separates our founding from that of other nations. It is the truth that our rights come not from the halls of government, nor from the decree […]

Danville’s Friendly Town reopens to teach safety lessons to kids

DANVILLE, Ill. (WCIA) — After being closed from storm damage for about a year, Danville’s Friendly Town has reopened for kids to learn safety. Friendly Town is a week-long summer education course. After more than 50 years, the little town continues to benefit young kids, giving them some tools and experience on the road as […]

Here Are the 5 Most Expensive Lessons I’ve Learned

masterSergeant / Getty Images/iStockphoto If you’re aiming to achieve the status of a self-made millionaire, it’s helpful to learn from the mistakes of those who have walked the path before you. To help, here are insights from two self-made millionaires about the challenges they’ve faced in their journeys to becoming wealthy entrepreneurs and the expensive lessons […]

6 Great Money Lessons From the 1950s You Should Use Today

kate_sept2004 / Getty Images America in the 1950s was a vastly different place than it is today. Unemployment rates were low, individual purchasing power was high, and mass production and new technologies were making everyday goods and services readily available and cheaper. Many young adults in the 1950s grew up during the Great Depression — […]