Tag: Leaning

Billionaire Bill Ackman is reportedly leaning toward endorsing Trump

Pershing Square Capital Management CEO Bill Ackman is leaning to supporting Donald Trump. According to multiple reports, Ackman is considering a public announcement backing Trump. He would join a growing list of Wall Street titans that have lined up behind the former president. Billionaire investor Bill Ackman is considering endorsing former President Donald Trump, according […]

Earthquake aftershocks halt demolition of leaning building in Taiwan

The demolition of a building that is leaning precariously after an earthquake in Taiwan has been halted because of aftershocks that made it lean even more, media reports said. The red building, about 10 storeys tall and inclined over a street in the city of Hualien, has become a lasting image from the magnitude 7.4 […]

Italy races to stop leaning tower from collapsing

It’s become Italy’s other “leaning tower.” And now, after mounting concern that the Torre Garisenda in Bologna might be on the verge of collapse, a plan has been hatched to save it using the same equipment that shored up the Tower of Pisa. The 48-meter (158 feet) Garisenda tower was built in the 12th century, […]

Italy’s got another leaning tower —and this one could actually fall over

They wanna Pisa the action. There’s another leaning tower in Italy — but this time, officials are worried about a dangerous collapse. The 12th-century catastrophe-in-waiting is the Torre Garisenda, standing tall at 148-foot on a four-degree bend — for now — at the heart of Bologna. Torre Garisenda in Italy is titling at a dangerous […]

Biden aims to win Wisconsin and Michigan by leaning heavily on more popular women

MIDDLETON, Wis. — Inside a modest ranch-style house in this suburb of Madison, Democrats from across southern Wisconsin recently met at a standing-room-only gathering billed as one of several formal campaign launch events for President Joe Biden and other candidates throughout the crucial battleground state. They were all there to see Sen. Tammy Baldwin. Like […]

Trump says leaning toward 15-week national abortion ban

By Doina Chiacu WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he was leaning toward a 15-week national ban on abortion but supports exceptions for rape, incest and saving the life of the mother because “you have to win elections.” Abortion promises to be a galvanizing issue for some women voters in the 2024 […]

Fixing Bologna’s Leaning Tower to Take at Least 10 Years

(Refiles to restore dropped word “are” in final paragraph) ROME (Reuters) -Work to prevent the collapse of a medieval leaning tower in the heart of the northern Italian city of Bologna will cost 20 million euros ($21.5 million) and take 10 years at least, its mayor said on Wednesday. The 12th century Garisenda is one […]