Tag: Laws

Top Wisconsin Republican wants to put abortion laws on a future ballot

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin’s top Republican wants to let voters decide whether to shrink the window of time in which women can get abortions, but the state’s Democratic governor says he won’t allow it. Current state law bans abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy. Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said Wednesday that he […]

724 Votes, Only 27 Laws Enacted

WASHINGTON — Rep. Kevin McCarthy, the former speaker, had a positive spin on the five days and record-breaking 15 voting rounds it took him to win the gavel in January. “Because it took this long,” he said after the ordeal, “now we learned how to govern.” But as the first year of the 118th Congress […]

LeBron James criticizes gun laws after UNLV mass shooting kills 3

LeBron James’ tone was passionate, yet weary. Another shooting, this time in Las Vegas, more innocent people dead, and the Lakers superstar seemed to recognize that his plea for gun control sounds like a broken record. “It just goes back to what I said before about guns in America,” he said. “I think it’s such […]

Weight Discrimination Laws Spread to More States

After New York City enacted a law to ban weight and height discrimination, several states are looking to pass different versions of the same law. Washington, New York, New Jersey and Vermont are racing on the heels of the new law, hoping to ban weight-based discrimination. Obesity discrimination in the workplace became unlawful in Washington […]