Tag: Kenyans

Kenyans in flood-prone areas ordered to evacuate as death toll rises

Rain-swollen water levels at two Kenyan hydroelectric dams are at “historic highs” and people downstream should move away, officials have said. Residents of flood-prone areas across the country have been ordered to evacuate or told they will be moved by force. Kenya, along with other parts of East Africa, has been overwhelmed by flooding that […]

TikTok star’s funeral left Kenyans shocked

A funeral can be a time for sombre reflection for family and friends but in this era of social media, when the deceased may have shared intimate details about their life to a large following, fans who feel they somehow know them may have different ideas. In Kenya, a normal burial for a 23-year old […]

How some Kenyans mark Valentine’s Day

Every year on Valentine’s Day in Kenya, there is a conference where all men are invited and women are banned. Not the most romantic idea, it is sold as a day for the male gender to have fun and be advised on the ways of men, away from the pressure that comes with having to […]