Tag: Kendall

Kendall Stanley: Oh puleeeeze!

Forget Q-Anon with its outrageous conspiracy theories that no matter how bizarre people will believe. Most of us hear Q-Anon and switch our brains off. But a headline, “Bridge tragedy spurs conspiracists,” on an editorial from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch caught my eye. “The message emanating from across the political right in the days after […]

Kendall Stanley: Promises unkept

A local historian out here in Arizona, Jack Lassiter, relayed in one of his many talks on the history and culture of this state how the residents of the Tucson area — who spoke nothing but Spanish, interacted with the white settlers moving into the area from the east. The residents spoke no English, the […]

Community gather to honor Kendall Brown with vigil

AUGUSTA, GA (WJBF)- Kendall Brown was well know throughout Augusta and loved ones gathering at the last place he was seen “that I wish that last time I had seen you or that last time I had spoke to you on January 31st that you would’ve really shared with me the magnitude of what you […]

Kendall Stanley: The big split

The “unreachables.” That was the term a friend used recently when he and I were talking politics and where MAGA fit into the scheme of things. Unreachables. Not Hillary Clinton’s deplorables, or other ways of describing Donald Trump’s followers. There are no minds to be changed there. Being unreachable fits the current America, according to […]