Tag: Jupiters

Jupiter’s ocean moon Europa may have less oxygen than we thought

On Monday (March 4), scientists announced they’ve managed to measure how much molecular oxygen — the type of oxygen we breathe on Earth — likely exists around Jupiter’s moon Europa. Although researchers have made estimates of the icy moon’s oxygen content in the past, the team says this is the first time we’ve made a […]

Jupiter’s moon Europa generates 1,000 tons of oxygen a day, study says

Europa, one of Jupiter’s 95 moons, generates 1,000 tons of oxygen every 24 hours, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory said Monday. It’s enough oxygen to keep a million humans breathing each day, but it’s substantially less than scientists previously believed existed, researchers said. The amount of oxygen could impact the moon’s underground ocean, which is thought […]

NASA Juno spacecraft picks up hints of activity on Jupiter’s icy moon Europa

NASA’s Juno spacecraft made a close flyby of Jupiter’s intriguing moon Europa in 2022, revealing potential hints of present day surface activity. The spacecraft’s Stellar Reference Unit (SRU), which is a star camera designed to assist Juno’s onboard attitude determination, was used to image Europa’s surface with high resolution while being lit up by Jupiter-shine, […]

Exoplanet-hunting instrument measures Jupiter’s wild wind speeds

An instrument designed to study exoplanets has turned its focus to our own cosmic neighborhood to measure Jupiter’s wind speeds. Using the ESPRESSO spectrograph on the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT) in northern Chile, researchers analyzed changes in sunlight reflected by the clouds in the atmosphere of Jupiter. By measuring the shift […]