Tag: Jupiters

NASA sees a ‘Platypus’ move on Jupiter’s moon Europa

What it is: Europa, Jupiter’s fourth-largest moon. Where it is: About 417,000 miles (671,000 kilometers) from Jupiter and 500 million miles (805 million km) from the sun. When it was shared: May 19, 2024. Why it’s so special: Slightly smaller than Earth’s moon, Europa is more like a planet. It has a magnetic field, a […]

Jupiter’s mysterious moon Amalthea spied crossing the Great Red Spot (photo)

NASA’s Juno spacecraft has spotted the elusive fifth moon of Jupiter transiting the giant planet’s Great Red Spot, giving astronomers a rare view of this small but intriguing natural satellite. Jupiter‘s most famous moons are its four Galilean satellites: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, each of which is several thousand kilometers wide. Jupiter’s fifth moon […]

Mysterious Moon Photobombs Jupiter’s Great Red Spot in Latest Juno Image

Oh, there it is. Jupiter’s unassuming moon Amalthea was spotted in two recent images captured by NASA’s Juno probe. During its 59th close flyby of Jupiter on March 7, the Juno spacecraft captured its usual stunning views of the giant planet’s swirling winds and colorful belts. The new photos offered an unexpected treat: a rare […]

NASA’s Juno probe captures amazing views of Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io (video)

The four biggest moons of Jupiter aren’t just blurry smudges in Galileo’s telescope anymore. The Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei discovered Ganymede, Callisto, Europa and Io back in 1610, which explains why they’re called the Galilean moons. We’ve learned a lot about these exotic bodies in the past 400 years thanks to ever-improving telescope views and […]