Tag: Juno

NASA’s Juno probe reveals lava lakes across Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io (image)

NASA’s Juno spacecraft imaged volcanic plumes on the surface of Jovian moon Io. | Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS Image processing by Andrea Luck NASA’s Juno mission might have originally been all about Jupiter, but its extended mission has the spacecraft observing the gas giant’s moons — and it’s making some pretty interesting discoveries. Its latest find? The […]

Mysterious Moon Photobombs Jupiter’s Great Red Spot in Latest Juno Image

Oh, there it is. Jupiter’s unassuming moon Amalthea was spotted in two recent images captured by NASA’s Juno probe. During its 59th close flyby of Jupiter on March 7, the Juno spacecraft captured its usual stunning views of the giant planet’s swirling winds and colorful belts. The new photos offered an unexpected treat: a rare […]

NASA’s Juno probe captures amazing views of Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io (video)

The four biggest moons of Jupiter aren’t just blurry smudges in Galileo’s telescope anymore. The Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei discovered Ganymede, Callisto, Europa and Io back in 1610, which explains why they’re called the Galilean moons. We’ve learned a lot about these exotic bodies in the past 400 years thanks to ever-improving telescope views and […]

NASA Juno spacecraft picks up hints of activity on Jupiter’s icy moon Europa

NASA’s Juno spacecraft made a close flyby of Jupiter’s intriguing moon Europa in 2022, revealing potential hints of present day surface activity. The spacecraft’s Stellar Reference Unit (SRU), which is a star camera designed to assist Juno’s onboard attitude determination, was used to image Europa’s surface with high resolution while being lit up by Jupiter-shine, […]