Tag: Jellyfish

Rare phenomenon transforms African thunderstorm into giant ethereal ‘jellyfish’

Quick facts Where is it? Central Mali, Africa. What’s in the photo? A massive, jellyfish-shaped thunderstorm cloud. Which satellite took the photo? Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP). When was it taken? Sept. 27, 2018. This striking photo shows an extremely unusual thunderstorm cloud in the shape of a jellyfish floating above western Africa. The […]

Why climate change means more jellyfish stings for ocean swimmers

Jellyfish, unlike many other sea creatures, are the winners of climate change. In a sign of the poor state of the world’s oceans, jellyfish are set to penetrate further and further into the Arctic Ocean and dominate those areas as water temperatures rise, new research shows. Jellyfish stings have grown increasingly common in recent years, […]

Jellyfish with bright red cross discovered in deep-sea volcanic structure

Scientists say they have discovered a new species of Medusae — a type of free-swimming, umbrella-shaped jellyfish. The sea creature — which was first spotted in 2002 in a deep-sea volcanic structure in ocean waters south of Tokyo, Japan — has a bright red “X” on its stomach. The findings were published this past November […]