Tag: jammed

How a jammed door is locking astronomers out of the X-ray universe

A gif showing a yellow-wrapped spacecraft with solar-panel wings in space. Just outside Hiroya Yamaguchi’s office is a blackboard crowded with exploded stars, spaceship schematics and spectral lines. The A4 printouts obscure almost all the free space, except for a tiny corner where he sometimes scribbles in white chalk. Right now, Yamaguchi, an associate professor […]

Door Is Jammed on Expensive Space Telescope, Blocking Its View of Space

Pod Bay Door Astronomers are excited to glean new insights into the formation of the universe and dark matter with the help of a space telescope called the X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM), a partnership between the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and NASA. The telescope was successfully launched in September 2023. But as […]