Tag: Issues

Democrat Jennifer McCormick on the issues

Former state schools Superintendent Jennifer McCormick is the likely Democratic nominee for governor in 2024, where she faces a tough road in deep-red Indiana. The teacher by trade had been a Republican herself until the end of her term in 2021. She took issue with what she considered the distracting, divisive politics of Donald Trump‘s […]

U.S. Sen. Mike Braun on the issues

After nearly six years in Washington, D.C., Republican U.S. Sen. Mike Braun is looking to come back to Indiana as the state’s next governor. Braun, who has established himself as an outspoken conservative in the Senate since his election in 2018, announced his candidacy for governor in late 2022. He joined Fort Wayne businessman Eric […]

Jamie Reitenour on the issues

Jamie Reitenour admits that for most of her life, she was a conservative voter who felt like she was merely checking boxes. But the 2016 election piqued her interest in politics. Not long after, the Indianapolis mother of five said, she felt a calling from God to become governor of Indiana. Last year, she said, […]

Biden administration issues rule that could curb ‘gig’ work, contracting

By Daniel Wiessner (Reuters) -The U.S. Department of Labor on Tuesday issued a final rule that will force companies to treat some workers as employees rather than less expensive independent contractors, in a move that has riled business groups and will likely prompt legal challenges. The rule is widely expected to increase labor costs for […]

Navy issues fraud alert for Camp Lejeune contamination claims

The Justice Department and Navy on Monday issued a fraud alert for veterans and service members filing claims for injuries sustained due to contaminated water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. The Navy and DOJ cited reports of “unscrupulous people and companies” attempting to acquire the personal information of filers under the Camp […]

DEP issues Notice of Violation to Keystone Landfill for malodor

Jan. 8—WILKES-BARRE — The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection on Monday announced it has issued a Notice of Violation to Keystone Sanitary Landfill in Lackawanna County for failing to control odors from the leachate lagoons at its facility in Dunmore and Throop Boroughs. DEP’s investigation into residents’ complaints revealed that the odors rise to the […]

Trump issues veiled threat to Biden on Truth Social

Former President Donald Trump indicated on Monday that he will be attending a hearing at the federal appeals court in Washington, D.C. this week on his claim that presidential immunity protects him from prosecution. Trump has pushed the argument that he is protected from charges that he plotted to subvert the 2020 presidential election. U.S. […]