Tag: IsraelPalestine

Where Trump, Biden stand on Israel-Palestine war

This is part three in an ongoing series. Read part one: Abortion. Read part two: The Border. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has long been one of the world’s thorniest problems — a bloody, intractable dispute over land and statehood that has riven the region and vexed American presidents ever since the Jewish state was established in […]

Mike Huckabee Tells AOC to ‘Stick to Bartending’ Instead of Israel-Palestine After ‘Utterly Ignorant’ Christmas Message

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee slammed New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as “utterly ignorant” after she posted a Christmas message supporting Palestinian refugees by comparing their plight to Jesus Christ’s on Monday. Ocasio-Cortez posted that in the story of Christmas, Christ “was born in modern-day Palestine under the threat of a government engaged in a […]