Tag: Islamism

Muslim schools caught up in France’s fight against Islamism

By Juliette Jabkhiro PARIS (Reuters) – Last year, Sihame Denguir enrolled her teenage son and daughter in France’s largest Muslim private school, in the northern city of Lille some 200 kilometres (125 miles) from their middle-class suburban Parisian home. The move meant financial sacrifices. Denguir, 41, now pays fees at the partially state-subsidised Averroes school […]

Hundreds demonstrate in Hamburg against Islamism and anti-Semitism

Hundreds of people took to the streets in Hamburg on Saturday to protest against Islamism and anti-Semitism and in support of the liberal values of Germany’s democratic constitutional order. The demonstration in Hamburg was planned as a counter-rally to a march organized by Islamists last week which caused nationwide outrage. Participants in the Islamist march […]

Islamism is dead in Erdogan’s Turkey

There are moments in the political life of every nation that mark the breaking of an old order, even if the new order has not yet been built. Last weekend’s local elections in Turkey marked such a fracture with the beginning of the end of Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s 22 year rule. Erdogan has bestrode Turkish […]