Tag: Ingredients

10 English Muffins Made With The Highest Quality Ingredients

We may receive a commission on purchases made from links. English muffins are bread’s fancy cousin. They are usually made with baking soda, yeast, and flour, among other ingredients, and have a distinctly sour yet pleasant, doughy taste. They are best cooked on a cast iron griddle, with little craters forming in the dough as it settles. […]

‘[These] nonessential ingredients … make food appear more vibrant’

A new California bill is taking aim at potentially harmful food additives in school meals. That’s great news for kids’ health and the environment. The proposal, introduced by state lawmaker Jesse Gabriel on March 12, would prohibit California’s public schools from offering food items containing any of several common dyes and colorants, including blue 1, […]

Westchester’s newest steakhouse brings top notch ingredients, experience

Center cut dry-aged rib eyes are the specialty at the newly opened (as of May 2) Peter’s Steakhouse in Eastchester. The steaks, dry-aged for 28 days, hail from Bronx-based wholesaler Master Purveyors, what Owner Peter Bijac calls “the best” in the industry. Bijac is also especially proud of their porterhouse cuts, which are also dry-aged […]