Tag: Influenza

CDC makes public influenza A wastewater data to assist bird flu probe

(Reuters) – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Tuesday released data on influenza A found in wastewater in a public dashboard that could assist in tracking the outbreak of H5N1 bird flu that has infected cattle herds. Last week, an agency official told Reuters about U.S plans to make public data […]

How to restart your fitness routine after Covid-19, RSV or influenza

Editor’s note: Before beginning any new exercise program, consult your doctor. Stop immediately if you experience pain. You’re finally sticking to your New Year’s resolution to exercise regularly when you become sidelined by Covid-19. Or maybe you’re a seasoned fitness buff training for a marathon, then have to hit pause due to a nasty bout […]

Influenza wave in Germany begins to ease

A wave of influenza and other respiratory diseases in Germany is slowly easing with spring around the corner, figures showed on Thursday. The Robert Koch Institute, which monitors diseases and public health in Germany, estimated that 5.3 million acute respiratory illnesses hit the population last week, a slight downward trend compared to previous weeks. According […]