THE INFINITE’ comes to West Palm Beach

The people behind “Space Explorers: THE INFINITE” want you to know that this virtual reality experience is next level — in every way. Even though you are earthbound here on the big blue marble, you will still be able to feel like you’re floating along with astronauts, taking in the same visuals that only a […]

ISS virtual reality experience ‘The Infinite’ returns

What do you do for an encore after you have virtually transported thousands of Houstonians to the International Space Station? If you are Felix & Paul Studios, you invite them back to fly to the moon. “Space Explorers: THE INFINITE,” which three years ago made its U.S. premiere in Houston, is now back in Space […]

United Way: Disappointment begets infinite hope

In the spirit of recent Martin Luther King Jr.’s holiday observances, I looked up famous MLK Jr. quotes. I once again came across one of my favorite subjects, HOPE: “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr. This time, not only did I ponder hope, but the first […]