Tag: imagery

Satellite imagery may provide a missing puzzle piece in Easter Island saga

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Hundreds of monumental stone heads dot the coastline of the remote Pacific island of Rapa Nui, or Easter Island. Settled by a small group of Polynesian seafarers about 900 years ago, it’s a fascinating place that has […]

Satellite Imagery Shows Damaged US-Built Gaza Pier

The US-built aid pier off the Gaza coast has suffered damage from rough seas and is being temporarily removed for repairs, the Pentagon said on Tuesday, May 28. Several vessels used to stabilize the pier, which was erected to help the delivery of humanitarian aid, became detached from their anchors and “beached ashore after suffering […]

MiG-31 Foxhounds Confirmed Destroyed In New Imagery Of Belbek Air Base

The War Zone has obtained additional high-resolution satellite images of Russia’s Belbek Air Base on the occupied Crimean Peninsula that offer a better view of the destruction there from recent Ukrainian strikes. It also proves out our initial analysis based on other imagery, which readers can find here. The new images, which come from Maxar […]

China’s experimental moon satellites beam back lunar imagery (video, photo)

A pair of small experimental satellites have begun tests related to future lunar communication and navigation services for China’s moon ambitions. The Tiandu-1 and Tiandu-2 satellites launched toward the moon along with the Queqiao-2 lunar communications relay satellite on a Long March 8 rocket on March 19. The latter spacecraft will support a major mission […]

China’s experimental moon satellites beam back lunar imagery (video, photo)

A pair of small experimental satellites have begun tests related to future lunar communication and navigation services for China’s moon ambitions. The Tiandu-1 and Tiandu-2 satellites launched toward the moon along with the Queqiao-2 lunar communications relay satellite on a Long March 8 rocket on March 19. The latter spacecraft will support a major mission […]

Satellite imagery confirms Russia lost Tarantul-class corvette in Sevastopol Bay

Recent satellite photos suggest that Ukraine sunk a Russian Tarantul-class corvette in occupied Sevastopol, Crimea, on Dec. 29, 2023, open-source intelligence outlet InformNapalm reported via Telegram on Jan. 19. According to the report information, the sinking of the ship likely took place on Dec. 29-30. On Dec. 29, local social media accounts were reporting loud […]

Syrian imagery falsely illustrates Gaza

A video of bloodied Syrian school children shrieking after an explosion was misrepresented online as an atrocity in Gaza, throwing a spotlight on a disinformation trend researchers say dehumanises victims of both wars. A flood of real images from Israel and Gaza has been revealing the horrors of the conflict that broke out on October […]