Tag: illness

Protests in Peru against classification of gender identities as ‘mental illness’

Protesters in Peru are demanding that the government repeals a decree characterising seven gender identities, including transgenderism, as “mental illnesses”. Demonstrators gathered in front of the health ministry in Peru’s capital city, Lima, and the Peruvian Embassy in Ecuador’s capital, Quito. The demonstrations coincided with the International Day Against Homophobia, celebrated since 2005 to mark […]

‘Extraordinary’ archive of ancient brains could help shed light on mental illness

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. An undertaker turned academic, Alexandra Morton-Hayward became interested in brains — specifically how they decompose — during her former job. “I worked for years with the dead. My own experience is that the brain is pretty […]

France announces legislation to allow ‘aid in dying’ for end-of-life illness

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced new legislation to legalise “aid in dying” that will allow adults facing end-of-life illness to take lethal medication. The move come after a report last year indicated that most French citizens support legalising end-of-life options. In an interview published on Monday by French newspapers La Croix and Liberation, Mr […]

COVID-19 gave me POTS disorder — here’s what the illness is like

Four years after COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic, Yahoo Canada spoke with several people still living with long COVID. Read their stories HERE. This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Contact a qualified medical professional before engaging in any physical activity, or […]

Lloyd Austin apologizes to Congress for illness response

WASHINGTON − Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, in his first congressional hearing since his health crisis related to prostate cancer, faced blistering criticism Thursday for failing to notify lawmakers, the White House and the American public about his hospitalization last month. “Our adversaries should fear us, and you have embarrassed us,” Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., scolded […]

Defense Secretary Austin apologizes to Congress for botched illness response

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, in his first congressional hearing since his health crisis related to prostate cancer, faced blistering criticism Thursday for failing to notify lawmakers, the White House and the American public about his hospitalization last month. “Our adversaries should fear us, and you have embarrassed us,” Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., scolded […]