Tag: humans

Why is it so hard to send humans back to the moon?

Between 1969 and 1972, the Apollo missions sent a total of a dozen astronauts to the surface of the moon — and that was before the explosion of modern technology. So why does it seem like our current efforts, as embodied by NASA’s Artemis program, are so slow, halting and complex? There isn’t one easy […]

Humans were living in a lava tube 7,000 years ago on the Arabian Peninsula

Archaeologists in Saudi Arabia have discovered that humans were living in a lava tube at least 7,000 years ago and possibly earlier, a new study finds. The lava tube, called Umm Jirsan, is located in a volcanic field called Harrat Khaybar, approximately 78 miles (125 kilometers) north of Medina, researchers said in a statement. “Umm […]

Humans Sheltered in This Lava Tube for Thousands of Years

Three needs are famously fundamental to survival: food, water, and shelter. According to new research, ancient humans had at least two of those three needs met by a nearly mile-long lava tube about 77 miles (125 kilometers) north of Medina, Saudi Arabia, for at least 7,000 years. The lava tube in question is named Umm […]

Did Fort Worth Zoo animals take eclipse cues from humans?

A crazy thing happened during the total solar eclipse Monday at the Fort Worth Zoo. For the 2 minutes and 33 seconds that the midday sun in North Texas was completely shrouded by the moon — raining darkness and turning day into dusk — the animals took their cues from the humans. Go figure. Monkey […]

Move over, Rover. Foxes were once humans’ best friends

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. In an ancient grave in what’s now northwestern Argentina, a person was buried with a canine companion — but this animal friend wasn’t a dog, according to new research. The burial held the skeleton of a […]

Extinct fox found in Argentina shared ‘strong bond’ with humans – study

An extinct fox in Argentina may have once been man’s best friend, sharing a “strong bond” with humans, research suggests. Analysis of 1,500-year-old skeletal remains at a burial site in Patagonia suggests that Dusicyon avus – also known as Falkland Islands wolf – was “a valuable companion to the hunter-gatherer groups”. The fox bones belong […]

Posts misrepresent effects of El Niño, humans on record heat

As El Niño ends, posts on X are blaming the natural phenomenon for record heat in 2023. This is misleading; while the climate pattern did affect average temperatures, the claims omit the impact of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions — which climate scientists say are the single largest contributor to global warming. “Weird narrative that we don’t […]

Humans give more viruses to animals than they give us, study finds

By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Some of the deadliest diseases to stalk humankind have come from pathogens that jumped from animals to people. The virus that causes AIDS, for example, crossed over from chimpanzees. And many experts believe the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic flowed from bats. But, as a new study shows, […]

Why don’t humans have tails? Scientists find answers in an unlikely place

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Humans have many wonderful qualities, but we lack something that’s a common feature among most animals with backbones: a tail. Exactly why that is has been something of a mystery. Tails are useful for balance, propulsion, […]

Scientists use cosmic rays to date earliest evidence of humans in Europe

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Stone tools unearthed in a quarry in Ukraine belonged to ancient humans who used them more than a million years ago, according to new research. The fresh dating analysis of the artifacts reveals the earliest known presence of […]