Tag: Horn

Can the Horn of Africa rift be healed?

Tempers remain high in the Horn of Africa seven months after a New Year’s Day deal saw the self-declared republic of Somaliland agree to lease part of its coastline to its landlocked neighbour Ethiopia. Somalia is not happy about the maritime agreement, details of which remain murky. Firstly, it believes the deal is unlawful and […]

The Media Establishment Lays on the Horn: Joe Must Go

One of the enduring themes of President Joseph Biden’s public life has been intense ambivalence about the elite institutions of American life and the well-credentialed, well-spoken, well-paid careerists who occupy them. There is resentment, from the so-so student with a stutter who grew up in Scranton and small-town Delaware and didn’t have the economic and […]

Scientists Implant Radioactive Material Into Horn of Living Rhinoceros to Poison Anyone Who Consumes It

Warning Horn In an effort to make them useless to poachers, researchers are implanting radioactive isotopes into the horns of rhinos in South Africa. The unusual material would “render the horn useless… essentially poisonous for human consumption,” James Larkin, professor and dean of science at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, told Agence France-Presse. […]