Tag: hoped

Maddow Blog | The Fauci hearing mattered, but not for the reason the GOP hoped

When Dr. Anthony Fauci stepped down two years following an extraordinary career in public service, Barack Obama issued a memorable statement. “I will always be grateful that we had a once-in-a-century public health leader to guide us through a once-in-a-century pandemic,” the former Democratic president wrote. “Few people have touched more lives than Dr. Fauci […]

Trump Hoped ‘My Juror’ Would Save Him From Conviction

For a brief moment, Donald Trump allowed himself a glimmer of hope. For much of the past year, lawyers to Trump had counseled their client that it was basically a foregone conclusion that the jury in his Manhattan trial would convict the former president, as they did early Thursday evening. Throughout the trial, the Trump […]

Biden hoped for a big economic story to tell. Now, he’s going small.

President Joe Biden began the year confident that his lengthy war on inflation was nearing a desired end. But it hasn’t yet materialized. And it’s forcing Biden to adjust what he and his team thought would be a winning economic message for them this election season. Biden has begun adopting a more surgical approach when […]